[Bundle] MEDITERRANEO salt lick, set of 4x 3kg | Lecksteine Shop


MEDITERRANEO salt lick, set of 4x 3kg

Item number 106

Item bundle content:
EUR 21.20 *
Content 12 kilogram
Unit price EUR 1.77 / kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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Salt lick with natural Mediterranean Sea salt

Salt is the most important mineral for horses, cattle, sheep and goats. The natural salt content of grass and hay does not satisfy the needs of the animals.

MEDITERRANEO lick provides high-quality, natural sea salt in food grade quality to the animals.

Salt is instrumentally important for the nervous and muscular systems of animals. Firstly, salt regulates the water absorption of the tissues and consequently the fluid balance in the body and prevents dehydration, which in turn reduces the risk of colic. Secondly, salt is also needed for glucose transport between cell membranes. A deficit would lead to fatigue, muscle weakness and loss of performance

Animals have a natural ability to sense their salt needs and with the help of the MEDITERRANEO lick, they can supply themselves according to their individual needs.

The sea salt for our lick blocks is exclusively extracted within the EU and is subject to strict quality control. The production follows the high European environmental and social standards.

MEDITERRANEO can be used in an ecological production according to EG-organic farming regulation 889/2008 + 848/2018 VO (EG).

Content: 4x 3kg

Mineral feed for horses, cattle, sheep, goats and deer

Analytical ingredients: 39% sodium (Na)

Composition: sodium chloride

Item ID 163
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Imima
Manufacturing country Greece
Content 12 kilogram
Weight 12000 g
Net weight 12000 g

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