[Bundle] BIOTIN+ plus mineral lick, set of 4x 3kg | Lecksteine Shop


BIOTIN+ plus mineral lick, set of 4x 3kg

Item number 097

Item bundle content:
EUR 43.00 *
Content 12 kilogram
Unit price EUR 3.58 / kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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Mineral lick with biotin and vitamin E for healthy hooves and coat

BIOTIN+ plus mineral lick ideally supplements the daily nutrition with salt, trace elements and biotin.

Biotin has a positive effect regarding to the structure and resilience of hooves and hair, which is scientifically proven. Biotin promotes the formation of keratin and thus the formation of horn can be supported. The strength of the hoof horn can be significantly improved.

The basic ingredient of BIOTIN+ plus mineral lick is very high-quality Mediterranean Sea salt with natural iodine enriched with trace elements, vitamin E and biotin.

BIOTIN+ plus lick block is unique with its high-quality combination of active ingredients.

Effects and benefits:

  • Biotin for hoof health and high fur quality
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improved skin health

Content: 4x 3kg

Mineral feed for horses, cattle, sheep, goats and deer

Analytical ingredients: 38% sodium (Na), 0,05% calcium (Ca), 0,04% magnesium (Mg)

Composition: sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, molasses (0,2%)                                                                                                                                             

Nutritional Additives / kg: 650 mg zinc (oxide) (3b603), 80mg iodine (coated granulated calcium iodate anhydrous) (3b203), 85mg cobalt (coated granulated cobalt (II) carbonate) (3b304), 20mg selenium (coated granulated sodium selenite) (3b802), 1.000mg vitamin E (3a700), 50mg biotin (vitamin H) (3a880)

Item ID 154
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Imima
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 12 kilogram
Weight 12000 g
Net weight 12000 g

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