[Bundle] Lolly-Lick, SET of 2 "NO STRESS", incl. FREE rope for hanging | Lecksteine Shop


Lolly-Lick, SET of 2 "NO STRESS", incl. FREE rope for hanging

Item number 207

EUR 17.00 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 17.00 / piece
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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Lolly-Lick "NO STRESS" SET with the varieties camomile and lavender incl. hanging rope for double the fun for your horse! 

With our lolly lick sets, you can offer your horse several types of lolly lick at the same time, so it's guaranteed not to get bored! 

With the included hanging rope, the lolly licks can be easily knotted and attached pretty much anywhere, whether in the box, paddock or open stable. 

Natural and healthy ingredients are what make our lolly licks so special! 

The "NO STRESS"- set is ideal for supporting your horse's nervous system and contains :

  • Lolly-Lick calming with camomile
  • Lolly-Lick Stressless with lavender
  • Free rope for hanging

Item ID 350
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Imima
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 1800 g
Net weight 1800 g