Suspension Rope for Lolly-Lick, 2m | Lecksteine Shop


Suspension Rope for Lolly-Lick, 2m

Item number 203

EUR 3.00 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 3.00 / piece
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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The rope is ideal for hanging up our Lolly-Licks and your horse will enjoy a natural and healthy horse toy!

Whether you offer your horse just one type or several is entirely up to you!

A simple square knot is made at the end of the rope and the Lolly-Lick is threaded onto the rope. 

Do you want to offer your horse several varieties?

Then tie another knot above the first lolly lick and thread on the next lick.

This allows you to offer several types of Lolly-Lick at the same time!


We only recommend the suspension rope for attaching our Lolly-Lick. It is not suitable for lick blocks weighting more than 1kg!

The suspension rope is supplied without the Lolly-Lick.


Item ID 346
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Imima
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 200 g
Net weight 200 g