[Bundle] VitaminPlus Selen mineral lick, set of 4x 3kg | Lecksteine Shop


VitaminPlus Selen mineral lick, set of 4x 3kg

Item number 176

EUR 43.00 *
Content 12 kilogram
Unit price EUR 3.58 / kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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Mineral lick made of natural Mediterranean salt, rich in vitamins plus selenium (organic and inorganic)

The high-quality formula of this lick with selenium in combination with vitamins A, D3 and E has a very positive effect on the immune system and metabolic processes of the horse.
Sufficient supply of vitamins and selenium can protect the cells of the horse from harmful influences and support the production of antibodies.

Since most soils today are very low in selenium, the selenium content in the basic feed, such as hay and grass, is consequently also too low or deficient.

The lick VitaminPlus Selenium can prevent a deficiency and the health and vitality of the horse can be maintained or increased.
The contained selenium, in inorganic and organic form, has a very high bioavailability to efficiently counteract a selenium deficiency.

Effect + benefits:

  • Can protect the cells of the horse from harmful influences
  • Can support the production of anti-bodies
  • Counteracts selenium deficiency in horses
  • Supports a healthy, balanced diet
  • For more vitality and productivity


Content: 4x 3kg

Mineral feed for horses, cattle, sheep, goats and deer

Analytical ingredients: 37,5% sodium (Na), 0,79% calcium (Ca), 0,35% magnesium (Mg), 0,25% phosphorus (P)

Composition: sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, magnesium oxide, molasses (0,2%)

Nutritional additives / kg: 930mg iron (sulphate monohydrate (II)) (3b103), 273mg manganese (oxide) (3b502), 145mg zinc (oxide) (3b603), 60mg iodine (coated granulated calcium iodate anhydrous) (3b203), 25mg cobalt (coated granulated cobalt (II) carbonate) (3b304), 25mg selenium (coated granulated sodium selenite) (3b802), 10mg selenium (selenomethionine) (3b8.12, organic form), 22.500 IU Vitamin Á (3a672a), 3.750 IU Vitamin D3 (3a671), 32mg Vitamin E (3a700)

Item ID 310
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Imima
Manufacturing country Greece
Content 12 kilogram
Weight 12000 g
Net weight 12000 g