SPIRULINA PLUS mineral lick, 3kg | Lecksteine Shop


SPIRULINA PLUS mineral lick, 3kg

Item number 205

EUR 14.50 *
Content 3 kilogram
Unit price EUR 4.83 / kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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Mineral lick with nutrient-rich spirulina algae and supplementary vitamins

The small Spirulina algae is a true superfood, rich in valuable nutrients and essential amino acids! The benefits as a source of protein, iron and vitamin A are undisputed according to the WHO (World Health Organisation). Spirulina's ingredients also have very good bioavailability.

Our SPIRULINA PLUS lick combines high-quality spirulina powder with balanced vitamins and minerals, so that the immune system, muscle development and well-being can be ideally supported!

The basic ingredient of the lick is high-quality Mediterranean salt with natural iodine.

Our SPIRULINA PLUS lick is doping-free according to the Anti-Doping and Medication Control Rules (ADMR) of the German Equestrian Federation (FN). 

Effects and benefits:

  • Contains nutrient-rich spirulina algae
  • Ideally supports immune system, muscle development and well-being
  • Can help prevent nutrient deficiencies.
  • Supports a healthy diet thanks to the unique formula


Content: 1x 3kg

Mineral feed for horses, cattle, sheep, goats and deer

Analytical ingredients: 37,5%sodium (Na), 0,79% calcium (Ca), 0,35% magnesium (Mg), 0,25% phosphorus (P)

Composition:sodium chloride, Spirulina algae 1% (Arthrospira platensis, powder), calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, magnesium oxide

Nutritional Additives / kg:930mgiron (sulphate monohydrate (II)) (3b103), 273mg manganese (oxide) (3b502), 145mg zinc (oxide) (3b603), 60mg iodine (coated granulated calcium iodate anhydrous) (3b203), 25mg cobalt (coated granulated cobalt (II) carbonate) (3b304), 7,5mg selenium (coated granulated sodium selenite) (3b802), 15.000 IU Vitamin Α (3a672a), 2.500 IU Vitamin D3 (3a671), 21,3mg Vitamin Ε (3a700)

Item ID 354
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer S.I.N. HELLAS
Manufacturing country Greece
Content 3 kilogram
Weight 3000 g
Net weight 3000 g