[Bundle] CALCIBLOCK mineral lick, set of 4x 5kg | Lecksteine Shop


CALCIBLOCK mineral lick, set of 4x 5kg

Item number 195

Item bundle content:
4 x
EUR 38.00 *
Content 20 kilogram
Unit price EUR 1.90 / kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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With the special HIGH CALCIUM formula in combination with the vitamins A, D3 and E and added minerals and trace elements, this mineral lick performs as the ideal and necessary supplement for all pregnant and lactating animals. At the same time CALCIBLOCK is the best choice for all young animals as it contributes to a healthy and strong bone structure.


Effect + advantages:

  • Excellent bone structure
  • Strong young animals
  • Supports safe pregnancy
  • Increases milk production


This set contains: 4x 5kg

Mineral feed for cattle, sheep and goats

Analytical ingredients: 28,4% sodium (Na), 10% calcium (Ca), 0,35% magnesium (Mg), 0,25% phosphorus (P)

Composition: sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, magnesium oxide, molasses (0,3%)

Additives/kg: 930mg iron (sulphate monohydrate (II)) (3b103), 273 mg manganese (oxide) (3b502), 145mg zinc (oxide) (3b603), 60mg iodine (I) (coated granulated calcium iodate anhydrous) (3b203), 25mg cobalt (coated granulated cobalt (II) carbonate) (3b304), 7,5mg selenium (coated granulated sodium selenite) (3b802), 15.000 IU Vitamin Α (3a672a), 2.500 IU Vitamin D3 (3a671), 21,3mg Vitamin Ε (3a700)


Feeding advice: This supplementary feed may only be fed up to 1% of the daily ration due to the higher content of trace elements compared to complete feed.

Item ID 336
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer S.I.N. HELLAS
Manufacturing country Greece
Content 20 kilogram
Weight 20000 g
Net weight 20000 g