Mineral Lick-Bar 4x 3kg, Premium-Set with HERBABLOCK, PROBIOTIC, MultiVitamin BRONCHIAL and PREMIUMBLOCK | Lecksteine Shop


Mineral Lick-Bar 4x 3kg, Premium-Set with HERBABLOCK, PROBIOTIC, MultiVitamin BRONCHIAL and PREMIUMBLOCK

Item number 160

EUR 49.00 *
Content 12 kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

This is the ideal set for a Mineral Lick-Bar with a balanced mixture of mineral licks!

The basic idea of a Mineral Lick-Bar is that the animals get the minerals, vitamins and nutrients they need according to their free will. Therefore licks with different compositions are perfectly suited.

The Mineral Lick-Bar is a highlight in every open stable, on the paddock or the pasture! Horses have a sense of which minerals and nutrients they need and should be allowed to get them freely!

This set is the ideal addition to the Mineral Lick-Bar Starter-Set or if you already have a basic set of licks!

The Premium-Set contains:

  • MultiVitamin BRONCHIAL

Of course you can supplement your Mineral Lick-Bar with other licks, such as ANTI-INSECT and VitaminPlus SELENIUM. 

Content: 4x 3kg (without holders)

Item ID 273
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer S.I.N. HELLAS
Manufacturing country Greece
Content 12 kilogram
Weight 12000 g
Net weight 12000 g