[Bundle] MultiVitamin BRONCHIAL mineral lick, set of 4x 3kg | Lecksteine Shop


MultiVitamin BRONCHIAL mineral lick, set of 4x 3kg

Item number 108

EUR 43.00 *
Content 12 kilogram
Unit price EUR 3.58 / kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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Mineral lick with natural essential oils from mint and eucalyptus

MultiVitamin BRONCHIAL mineral lick contains minerals, trace elements and vitamins in addition to natural essential oils of mint and eucalyptus to soothe and relieve respiratory problems. Especially during cold and wet weather many horses suffer from respiratory problems and the immune system can be weakened. Especially then the MultiVitamin BRONCHIAL lick with its special combination of ingredients can help. The essential oils of mint and eucalyptus can have an expectorant effect, provide respiratory relief and thus have a soothingly effect.

The rich combination of minerals, trace elements and vitamins strengthen the immune system. Due to that, the MultiVitamin BRONCHIAL mineral lick is ideally suited to support the respiratory system and the wellbeing of the horse in a natural way.

The lick block is based on food-grade Mediterranean Sea salt with natural iodine.

Effects and benefits:

  • Relief to the respiratory passages
  • Helps to loosen mucus
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Supports health and improves physical vitality
  • Suited for permanent feeding

Content: 4x 3kg

Mineral feed for horses, cattle, sheep and goats

Analytical ingredients: 36,9% sodium (Na), 1,03% calcium (Ca), 0,35% magnesium (Mg), 0,27% phosphorus

Composition: sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, dicalcium phosphate, essential oils of mint and eucalyptus, molasses (0,3%)

Additives / kg: 930mg iron (sulphate monohydrate (II)) (3b103), 273mg manganese-II-oxide  (3b502), 145mg zinc (oxide) (3b603), 60mg iodine (coated granulated calcium iodate anhydrous) (3b203), 25mg cobalt (coated granulated cobalt (II) carbonate) (3b304), 7,5mg selenium (coated granulated sodium selenite) (3b802), 15.000 IU Vitamin Α (3a672a), 2.500 IU Vitamin D3 (3a671), 21,3 IU Vitamin E (3a700)

Sensory additives: natural flavourings

Item ID 181
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Imima
Manufacturing country Greece
Content 12 kilogram
Weight 12000 g
Net weight 12000 g

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