Mineral Lick-Bar 4x 3kg, Starter-Set with BIOTIN+, ZINCOBLOCK, SUPERMAG, MEDITERRANEO | Lecksteine Shop


Mineral Lick-Bar 4x 3kg, Starter-Set with BIOTIN+, ZINCOBLOCK, SUPERMAG, MEDITERRANEO

Item number 139

EUR 38.50 *
Content 12 kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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This is the ideal starter set for a Mineral Lick-Bar with a balanced mixture of mineral licks plus a pure salt lick.

The basic idea of a Mineral Lick-Bar is that the animals get the minerals, vitamins and nutrients they need according to their free will. Therefore licks with different compositions are perfectly suited.

The Mineral Lick-Bar is a highlight in every open stable, on the paddock or the pasture! Horses have a sense of which minerals and nutrients they need and should be allowed to get them freely! But which mineral licks are the right ones for my horses? 
For the start we have now put together a set of 4 licks that should not be missing in any Mineral Lick-Bar and provide a great basic supply.

The Starter-Set contains:

  • BIOTIN+ Plus
  • SuperMAG

Of course you can supplement your Mineral Lick-bar with other licks, such as ANTI-INSECT and PROBIOTIC.

Content: 4x 3kg (without holders)

Mineral feed for horses, cattle, sheep, goats and deer

BIOTIN+ Plus, 3kg:

Analytical components: 38% sodium, 0,05% calcium, 0,04% magnesium

Composition: sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide

Nutritional additives per kg: 650mg zinc as zinc oxide (3b603), 80mg iodine as granulated calcium iodate (coated, anhydrous) (3b203), 85mg cobalt as granulated cobalt II carbonate (coated) (3b304), 20mg selenium as granulated sodium selenite (coated) (3b802), 1000mg vitamin E (3a700), 50mg biotin (vitamin H) (3a880)


Analytical components: 38% sodium, 0,30% calcium

Composition: sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, molasses (0,2%)

Nutritional additives per kg: 9000mg zinc as zinc oxide (3b603), 1400mg iron as ferrous sulfate monohydrate (3b103), 400mg cobalt as granulated cobalt II carbonate (coated) (3b304), 20mg selenium as granulated sodium selenite (coated) (3b802)


Analytical components: 30% sodium, 4,60% calcium, 2,36% magnesium, 1,05% phosphorus

Composition: sodium chloride, magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, molasses (0,3%)

Nutritional additives per kg: 6,000mg zinc as zinc oxide (3b603), 1,000mg manganese as manganese-II-oxide (3b502), 700mg iodine as granulated calcium iodate (coated, anhydrous) (3b203), 280mg cobalt as granulated cobalt-II-carbonate (coated) (3b304), 25mg selenium as granulated sodium selenite (coated) (3b802)


Analytical constituents: 39% sodium

Composition: sodium chloride


Feeding advice: This supplementary feed may only be fed to horses, cattle, sheep and goats up to 1 per cent of the daily ration due to the higher content of trace elements and vitamins compared to complete feed.

Item ID 226
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Imima
Manufacturing country Greece
Content 12 kilogram
Weight 12000 g
Net weight 12000 g

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